That's a good question...many reasons.
1) Gets me out of the house...and out of my wife's hair.
2) Make a little money so I can buy things I would not normally buy.
3) I love fixing stuff. Pianos are a complicated mechanical device made up of thousands of moving parts that work together to make beautiful music.
4) I love music of all kinds...from piano concertos to Jerry Lee Lewis rock-a-billy.
5) I love meeting interesting people. Everyone has a story to tell and I like to hear from people I've never met. Can almost always find something we have in common.
Today I was tuning a 1953 Acrosonic by Baldwin spinet piano in the St. Charles area. 70 years old and it was very flat. But, it tuned right up, pins were tight and should continue to play beautifully into the future.

I always like to find out what my customers standard question is, "What do you do for fun." My client today makes beautiful craft items. She scours garage sales to find little toys and blocks. Puts them together to make these:
