Free pianos are like free dogs...they can cost quite a bit. You can find numerous free pianos on Facebook Marketplace. Some of them are worth free, but not many. You will need to pay a few hundred to have it moved. A couple hundred to clean it up, fix any minor issues and tune it. Possible to get a great piano for about $500 ready to play. Whenever a customer tells me they have a free piano...I cringe a little. Gives me very low expectations. On occasion I'm surprised and delighted!
About a year and a half ago a new client called me up looking for a quote to tune her free piano. When I arrived, piano was not looking great. Leg was broken off, an odd blue color. Someone had painted it with a brush, was dusty...looked like an old bar piano that had been played hard. Opened it up, cleaned it up, tuned it and it sounded great! 1937 Estey piano, 87 years old. It is not the best looking piano I've ever tuned but turned out great and client was very pleased. Just tuned it again yesterday. Customer had repaired the leg. It was a little flat, but not bad. That piano was a great "free" piano!
