Yes I have! I tuned a piano near Hanibal, MO yesterday. It was an Adolf Geyer piano made in Hangzhou, China about 15 years ago. Beautiful black baby grand piano. Owned by a large family with 7 young kids. It never ceases to amaze me what can end up inside a piano. How does this stuff get in there? It is a mystery. Two pacifiers!

And several other odds and ends. A Magna Tile, plastic knife, calculator, air freshener and a bunch of jewels! The mother lode. Later I found a penny and some more jewels. The Magna Tile was stuck behind the fall board and prevented it from opening. Could not play the piano unless somebody held the fall board up.

Enter the superhero piano tech! Opened it up, pulled the action, two hours of cleaning. Normally I spend a half an hour cleaning a piano at the most. Once I got it all cleaned up, put it back together, tuned up great! Another satisfied customer.
