Yes it did. You never know what you are going to walk into when you arrive at a new piano tuning job. A client contacted me about a piano he got for free, which always makes me flinch. There is no such thing as a free piano, they will cost money to move them, tune them, fix any issues and get them playable. Sometimes a free piano can be a money pit. We offer an assessment service for when someone offers you a "free" piano or you find one on Facebook Marketplace. We will go look at the piano and tell you if it is worth moving and tuning.
I arrived on time and ready to go. The piano was in the garage, which is about the worst place you can put a piano. Temperature and humidity changes cause havoc with tuning. High humidity levels can lead to rusty strings and pins. never know what you'll find when you open it up.
My client said several of the keys were sticking. I told him I'd take out all the keys and see what was causing the problem. I opened it up and started pulling out the keys...mouse droppings all over the place, several coins and a lot of nut shells. A mouse had been living under the keys, found a nest under the cheek block. Nice dry place where no predators could get to them. Time for a deep cleaning.

The story has a happy ending. The piano was actually in very good condition once I got it cleaned up. 1975 Kimball with nice tight pins, tuned up great and should hold the tune for quite a while. I recommended a couple piano movers that could get the piano into his house. Or invite 4 big guys over for pizza, beer and get them to move it.
